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Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus-Medusa’s Room (2011)


The Altar of Light (2011)


Ophelia (2011)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

mixed media on iron plate, perforated iron sheet, iron, wooden panel, dimmer, electric candlelight, cable, chain, hook, sound device_371x612x366cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

mixed media on iron plate, perforated iron sheet, iron, wooden panel, dimmer, electric candlelight, cable, chain, hook, sound device_371x612x366cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

mixed media on iron plate, perforated iron sheet, iron, wooden panel, dimmer, electric candlelight, cable, chain, hook, sound device_371x612x366cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

mixed media on iron plate, perforated iron sheet, iron, wooden panel, dimmer, electric candlelight, cable, chain, hook, sound device_371x612x366cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

mixed media on iron plate, perforated iron sheet, iron, wooden panel, dimmer, electric candlelight, cable, chain, hook, sound device_371x612x366cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

The Altar of Light (Flash-I-1122111)

mixed media on iron plate, perforated iron sheet, iron, wooden panel, dimmer, electric candlelight, cable, chain, hook, sound device_371x612x366cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1121109)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1121109)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_75x91.5cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light

The Altar of Light

Flash-S-1118106 / Flash-S-1119107_mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_20x122cm each_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Light-Chrysanthemum / Candlelight

Light-Chrysanthemum / Candlelight

◀ Light-Chrysanthemum-1101_mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_41.3x32.3cm each_2011 ▲ Candlelight-1111_mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_41.3x32.3cm each_2011 ▶ Candlelight-1112_mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_41.3x32.3cm each_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light-Chandelier

The Altar of Light-Chandelier

Flash-S-1117105_perforated iron sheet, chain, electric candlelight, cable_100x18x18cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light-Chandelier

The Altar of Light-Chandelier

Flash-S-1117105_perforated iron sheet, chain, electric candlelight, cable_100x18x18cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Exhibition View_Zaha Museum_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Exhibition View_Zaha Museum_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Exhibition View_Zaha Museum_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Exhibition View_Zaha Museum_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Exhibition View_Zaha Museum_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Exhibition View_Zaha Museum_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Exhibition View_Zaha Museum_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus

Exhibition View_Zaha Museum_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1116104)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1116104)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x82cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)



◀ perforated iron sheet, electric candlelight, cable_122x34cm_2011 ▶ mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x82cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-111199)

Ophelia (Flash-S-111199)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x91.5cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-111199C)

Ophelia (Flash-S-111199C)

◀ perforated iron sheet, electric candlelight, cable_122x34cm_2011 ▶ mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x91.5cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1115103)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1115103)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x68cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1115103C)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1115103C)

◀ perforated iron sheet, electric candlelight, cable_122x34cm_2011 ▶ mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x68cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus(Flash-S-111410C)

Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus(Flash-S-111410C)

▲ Gathering Rays of Light into a Focus (Flash-S-1114102)_mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x70cm_2011 ◀ ▶ The Alter of Light (Candlelight-Violet) (Flash-S-110492)_astel acrylic panel, electric candlelight, cable, 30x15x6cmx8ea_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Coffin of Medusa-Ophelia

The Coffin of Medusa-Ophelia

▲ Flash-S-1112100_mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_183x48cm_2011 ◀ Candlelight-1103_perforated iro sheet, electric candlelight, cable_50x18x10cm_2011 ▶ Candlelight-1104_perforated iro sheet, electric candlelight, cable_50x18x10cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

The Altar of Light-Chandelier

The Altar of Light-Chandelier

Flash-S-111098_perforated iron sheet, chains, lever block, electric candlelight, cable_310×133×133cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-110896)

Ophelia (Flash-S-110896)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_244x366cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-110997)

Ophelia (Flash-S-110997)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_327x244cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1113101)

Ophelia (Flash-S-1113101)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x91.5cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Medusa (Flash-S-110795)

Medusa (Flash-S-110795)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_244x244cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Wound (Flash-S-110694)

Wound (Flash-S-110694)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_99.2x122cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-110593)

Ophelia (Flash-S-110593)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x91.5cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ophelia (Flash-S-110391)

Ophelia (Flash-S-110391)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x91.5cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

Ego (Flash-S-110189)

Ego (Flash-S-110189)

mixed media on iron plate, wooden panel, scratch_122x91.5cm_2011 (Photo by Kwon oyeol)

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